Advantage Chevrolet of Bolingbrook
Auto DealershipAutomotive Repair & Service
Sales: Monday - Friday 9:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M. Saturday: 9:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M
Driving Directions:
Located one block south off I-55 south on RT 53 (exit 267) between Weber Rd and 355
About Us
Advantage Chevrolet of Bolingbrook... A proud Winner of the 2015 BBB Torch Award in Business. First time in Chiagoland a New & Used Car Dealership ever won this honor. For detail on new on pre owned vehicles and our hours for service and sales please visit our website at www.advantagechevbb.com. Customer satisfaction is our number one goal, before, during and after ever purchase.
- Visit our website for all your car buying needs
- Search through our extensive collection of new and pre-owned vehicles
- A proud Winner of the 2015 BBB Torch Award in Business in Chicagoland
- Contact our Customer Relations/ Internet Manager, Jim Galbraith with any vehicle questions at 708-259-3599
- Dedicated to serving all the automotive needs in Bolingbrook and surrounding communities

Rep/Contact Info

Jim Galbraith
Internet/Customer Relations Manager
- Phone: (630) 226-3914
- Fax: (630) 759-2595
- Send an Email
Charles Watson
- Phone: (630) 226-3908
- Fax: (630) 759-2595